Our deep scientific and engineering expertise underpins our proprietary mineral processing technologies

Extracting strategic metals simply and sustainably

To meet the increasing global demand for metals, Brokkr has developed a nature-based (bio)hydrometallurgical circuit that combines the low-cost and simplicity of heap leaching with novel ambient temperature, near-neutral pH bioleaching and metal binding chemistries to produce battery grade nickel and cobalt from limonitic laterite deposits. This approach is globally significant and offers the prospect of extracting strategic metals from widely available (but challenging) low-grade deposits, displacing the need for more HPAL (High Pressure Acid Leach) facilities which are synonymous with multi-billion dollar capital expenditures, large carbon emissions, and substantial environmental impacts.

“Our process removes the heat, pressure, and acid effluents associated with incumbent nickel laterite processing technologies.

Our mission is to enable secure supplies of battery-grade metals, with the smallest carbon footprint and environmental impact possible, enabling a cleaner energy transition.

Our goal is to remove 99% of the carbon emissions associated with the production of nickel and cobalt.”

Sean Crowe, CEO

The Brokkr Process

Brokkr Process nickel cobalt laterite processing


Our proprietary bioleach technology uses electrogenic bacteria to rapidly and sustainably dissolve minerals within lateritic deposits into a leach containing nickel and cobalt.

Precipitation and Separation:

Our proprietary neutral pH chemistries selectively separates valuable metals from solution, with water and reagents being recycled to the heap. The target metals are purified into battery grade metal sulphates on site, shortening the supply chain for EV manufacturers.

Our process yields:

Battery grade nickel sulfates

Battery grade cobalt sulfates